2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   9:40 AM - 10:35 AM   |  Becoming a Leader: Leadership in Small Doses   |  Capitol 1

Becoming a Leader: Leadership in Small Doses

Hispanic/Latino parents who are members of the H&V HQ Advisory Council for Latino Family Support share their collective experiences of their path to leadership positions. Mentoring leadership is different when working with a marginalized/underrepresented community whose primary language is not English. Learn how they practice, create, and build meaningful parent engagement with the intent to empower parents in seeking local leadership opportunities. Those who provide direct support to these communities will be able to gain or provide a richer culturally appropriate support while creating impactful leadership opportunities when working, assisting, and mentoring Latino/Hispanic parents of D/HH children.

  • Latino/Hispanic leadership perspective
  • Improve supports for Latino/Hispanic Families
  • Create & practice cultural compassion when working with Hispanic Latino Families


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Marbely Barahona (Co-Presenter), Louisiana Hands & Voices, Marbelly.barahona@la.gov;
Marbely is originally from Caracas, Venezuela and has lived in New Orleans for the past 18 years. She and her husband, Asahel, are the parents of 6 children, 2 girls and 4 boys. Their oldest son is profoundly deaf and received a cochlear implant at the age of 5. He is fully mainstreamed in regular education classes at his home district school. Marbely is a board member of LA Hands and Voices, a Guide by Your Side Parent Guide, and a member of the Awareness Network for Cochlear Americas. She participated in the 2011-12 NICHQ IHSIS collaboration, serving as her state team’s Parent Consultant where she became experienced in using the Model for Improvement. Her leadership role on the team as a parent was instrumental in influencing and advising the team about a wide range of needs for change in the EHDI system. Marbely actively participated in planning, implementing and evaluating Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to help her state successfully reduce “loss to follow-up”. She has an Associate degree in Marketing and Advertising, and Office System Technology. She works part-time for the LA EHDI Program as a Bilingual Parent Consultant, successfully helping Spanish-speaking families navigate the EHDI process. In addition, one of Marbely’s responsibilities in this position is to contact all families of babies reported “lost to follow-up” to support and assist them in obtaining needed services and maintain tracking data of the results.


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Yuliana Trujillo (Co-Presenter), Statewide Outreach Center at TX-SFD, yuliana.trujillo@texasdeafed.org;
Yuliana is a parent of a child who is deaf and is a leader in the Texas Hands & Voices Guide by Your Side Program. Yuliana has been instrumental in outreach efforts to families who speak primarily Spanish.


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Mariana Barquet (Co-Presenter), Indiana Hands & Voices, mbarquet@health.in.gov;
Mariana Barquet was born and raised in Mexico City, Mexico. She moved to the US in 2004 and married an Indiana native in 2005. She started working as the Hispanic Parent Guide in Indiana in 2015 and has served in that position since. She spearheaded the efforts to start the Educational Advocacy Program under Hands & Voices, ASTra (Advocacy, Support and Training) and became the ASTra Program Coordinator in April 2019, when the Program officially started to operate. Shortly after, she took over the position of the Guide By Your Side Program coordinator as the previous coordinator stepped down. As the Programs Coordinator she oversees all operations of the ASTra and GBYS Programs that provide Parent to Parent support for all families of newly identified children with hearing differences all the way to exit of High School. She was awarded the National Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Family Leadership Award for improving the involvement of the Hispanic families with children with hearing difference in the Early Intervention Program by 11% over this population growth in the State of Indiana through the last 4 years grant period under CDC requirements. She has served in the Hands & Voices Latino Council since 2016 and has presented in the EHDI National Conference, Hands & Voices Leadership Conference, and several state conferences in Indiana. She has a deep passion for supporting families through the different stages of the educational process that often require the parents to become skilled advocates.


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Ana Brooks (Primary Presenter,Co-Presenter), Hands & Voices, ana@handsandvoices.org;
Ana is a mother of two children residing in Oregon. She is brought to this work due to her oldest child not passing their newborn hearing screening. She is grateful to have experienced guidance from a parent guide early in our journey which led to positive outcomes in her child’s D/HH journey and to have been able to provide that same service to many families herself as a former parent guide. Her passion and drive is aiding our Hispanic/Latino/x communities from her own lived experience lens. She has experienced and seen the hardships many parents face when attempting to navigate services in a different language. Ana has a unique perspective necessary to identify the many common communication gaps in the D/HH community experience. She continuously seeks ways to collaborate with other family organizations and systems of care to provide outreach and support to D/HH children and their Spanish-speaking families and Latino/x communities . Her work is to assure all information being shared to families is culturally and linguistically appropriate.


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