2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   1:45 PM - 2:10 PM   |  Counseling Audiology Resources & Education (CARE) in Early Hearing Loss Identification   |  Capitol 4

Counseling Audiology Resources & Education (CARE) in Early Hearing Loss Identification

The audiologist’s role is humbling and significant in identifying a child’s hearing loss. The information provided and how it is delivered can impact the entire family. Recent research will be cited discussing the positive contributions of support in this important identification process. This presentation will illustrate how a team collaborates to implement a counseling and educational approach following identification of hearing loss. The involvement of a counselor in connecting with parents following an audiological diagnosis can offer additional support for the families and the pediatric team. Counseling and educational guidance create multiple opportunities for both the family and the audiologist to obtain resources, explore information, process feelings, and connect with other experienced families. The team approach helps ensure the child is on the path to meet the 1-3-6, if not the 1-2-3 guidelines for early intervention. Challenges with delays in follow-up will also be described and how the knowledge of those difficulties builds increased appreciation for the effectiveness of contact and collaboration. Steps by the audiologists, specific strategies of counselors and sensitive suggestions from peer parents will be shared that can be replicated in varied settings. CARE (Counseling, Audiology, Resources & Education) allows for ongoing strengthening of services to families. Reflections by the audience will add to existing perspectives and practices.

  • The participant will select one new step for connecting families with audiologic and education resources.
  • The participant will describe two strategies for providing collaborative counseling to new parents.
  • The participant will compare their experiences to specific suggestions for offering team support.

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Anne McNally (Co-Presenter,Co-Author), John Tracy Center, amcnally@jtc.org;
Director JTC Distance Education for Parents, Coordinator of JTC's International LSL Sessions.


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Chelsea Cole (Primary Presenter), John Tracy Center, ccole@jtc.org;
Chelsea Cole, Au.D. received her clinical doctorate in audiology at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the director of Audiology Services at John Tracy Center.


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