2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   11:30 AM - 11:55 AM   |  From Research to Practice: Using Current Research to Guide Supports for Children with Microtia/Atresia   |  Capitol 6

From Research to Practice: Using Current Research to Guide Supports for Children with Microtia/Atresia

Children with conductive hearing loss secondary to aural atresia (microtia atresia) represent a small number of the children identified annually as deaf or hard of hearing. Given that microtia/atresia itself is considered quite rare, there has historically been a lack of research on either the educational or medical needs of these children. As a result, professionals working with them and with their parents are often left without the resources needed to meet the needs of children and families through the EHDI and Early Intervention programs. This presentation will focus on introducing, discussing and applying the small but growing body of recent research on the needs of young children with microtia/atresia. Research will include such topics as etiology, amplification, intervention, psychosocial needs, medical follow up and outcomes relevant to children with microtia/atresia and their families. Research published in the last 2 years will be reviewed by theme, such as etiology, amplification or bullying, summarize findings and suggest practical implications of the research for parents and professionals. Discussion among session attendees on available research and continuing research needs as well as how this information can best serve families and improve positive outcomes for children will occur.

  • Discuss important findings from recent research related to young children with microtia/atresia.
  • Make a plan for applying findings from recent research to guidance and support of families of children with microtia/atresia
  • Use research findings related to positive social, emotional, linguistic, and academic outcomes for children with microtia/atresia to consider research influenced best practices.


Handout is not Available



Meredith Berger (Primary Presenter,Author), Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech, mberger@clarkeschools.org;
Meredith Berger, MS became the director of Clarke Schools for Hearing & Speech/New York, an Early Intervention and Preschool listening spoken language program, in 2008. Prior to that, she was the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Educational Specialist at New York Eye and Ear’s Ear Institute/Cochlear Implant Center. She received a B.S. in Education from SUNY at Buffalo State College and master’s degrees in Deaf Education and in Educational Leadership from Canisius College. In addition to presenting on the educational needs of children with hearing loss, she has also co-authored pieces on the Clinic-School relationship. Meredith is on the Executive Board of Option Schools as a Director at Large and is member of the Children's Hearing Institute Medical and Educational Advisory Board. In 2017, Meredith began her doctoral studies at Teachers College, Columbia University to find answers to her own questions on the needs/outcomes of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, particularly those with microtia/atresia, and their families.


Financial -
• Receives Salary for Employment from Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech.

Nonfinancial -
• Has a Professional (NYS EHDI Advisory Board Member) relationship for Volunteer membership on advisory committee or review panels.


Financial -
Financial relationship with Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech.
Nature: Employed by Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.